What is a Personal Brand Identity and Why Do You Need It?

Those who work in the direct sales space often think their brand is just the name of the company for which they work. What the average network marketer is missing, is that the key to unlocking their potential in this crowded space is the development of their own brand identity under the umbrella brand, which is their current company.

To develop your personal brand identity, you must first understand what branding is, because it is so much more than a logo.

Think about this from two perspectives:

  1. What do you think your brand is?
  2. What do your customers think your brand is?

Really, your brand identity is what your customer thinks your brand is, more so than what you imagine your brand to be.

Your personal brand identity is the sum total of all the impressions that a customer has about your business. It will be based on every interaction they have with you and your product. 

When you are building a personal brand identity under an umbrella brand, this is even more important to note. As a direct sales consultant the brand for your products has already been built by the umbrella brand for which you work. What you are seeking to do as a network marketer is to build a personal brand identity that makes your personality, your customer service, and the sum total of your personal interactions with your customer combined, stand out from the next guy or gal selling the same awesome product.

You may think your product sells itself, but will your customer even remember who they obtained that awesome product from, or will they just remember the umbrella brand and follow up with someone else more memorable the next time they want to purchase?

If you do not develop your own personal brand identity under the umbrella brand, your business will not flourish and may not even be sustained long term.

Does developing your own brand identity have to be difficult? No, it doesn't have to be difficult, but developing a brand identity does take some forethought, time, and effort in order to implement it properly. However, it is a worthwhile commitment that will bring you success in the long run.

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